by Atlus
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Cure a cold, or amputate an arm, all without cracking open a bottle of pills or getting bloody. The latest in the Trauma Center series of games by Atlus, Trauma Center: Second Opinion lets you play the surgeon in an exciting medical drama simulation game. You'll need to cure patients of
Your the doctor. Time to heal the sick! You might even save some lives. View larger. |
Make life or death decisions. View larger. |
Fix those broken bones. View larger. |
There's even hospital gossip. View larger. |
Game Storyline
Sure, we've all imagined what it would be like to become a doctor. Years of medical school, residency, and clinic duty eventually pay off in a rewarding position saving people's lives. Or, you could skip all that and just put in a few hours after dinner. Trauma Center puts you in the position of having to make life or death choices at the operating table.
Heart surgery and tumor removal might look easy from the morphine end, but how do you think the doctor feels? Well, you're going to find out! In Trauma Center, patients' lives are in your hands. You'll experience all the drama we've come to expect from the medical field. So go ahead, toss on some scrubs and step into the O.R.--it's time to play doctor.
Trauma Center: Second Opinion, is a robust "Wii-make" of the game "Under the Knife," and features a totally revamped medical toolkit that includes scalpels, forceps, defibrillator paddles, syringes, and more--all designed specifically for use with the Wii Remote.
Other game features include new graphics and animation, new and remixed musical themes, new surgical implements (including a defibrillator), and operation types, a second playable character with all-new missions, multiple difficulty modes for gamers of all skill levels, and a revised control system that takes full advantage of the revolutionary Wii Remote.
Product InformationCure a cold or amputate an arm all without cracking open a bottle of pillsor getting bloody. The latest in the Trauma Center series of games byAtlus Trauma Center: Second Opinion lets you play the surgeon in anexciting medical drama simulation game. You'll need to cure patients ofeverything from routine medical maladies to life-threatening designer viruses.Game StorylineSure we've all imagined what it would be like to become a doctor. Years ofmedical school residency and clinic duty eventually pay off in a rewardingposition saving people's lives. Or you could skip all that and just put in afew hours after dinner. Trauma Center puts you in the position of havingto make life or death choices at the operating table.Heart surgery and tumor removal might look easy from the morphine end buthow do you think the doctor feels? Well you're going to find out! In TraumaCenter patients' lives are in your hands. You'll experience all the dramawe've come to expect from the medical field. So go ahead toss on some scrubsand step into the O.R.--it's time to play doctor.GameplayTrauma Center: Second Opinion is a robust "Wii-make" of thegame "Under the Knife" and features a totally revamped medicaltoolkit that includes scalpels forceps defibrillator paddles syringes andmore--all designed specifically for use with the Wii Remote.Other game features include new graphics and animation new and remixedmusical themes new surgical implements (including a defibrillator) andoperation types a second playable character with all-new missions multipledifficulty modes for gamers of all skill levels and a revised control systemthat takes full advantage of the revolutionary Wii Remote.Product Features Pick up and play. Intuitive motion based controls mean players of all skill levels can pick up the Wii Remote and get right into the fun! Hours of Fun. Take on
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