by Interplay
Buy new: $59.98
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(Visit the Best Sellers in Sports list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
Virtual Pool 3 featuring Jeanette Lee is the most complete pool and billiards game ever made. Imagine all sixteen games from Virtual Pool Hall (8-ball, 9-ball, Snooker, Billiards, etc.) combined with exclusive video of Pro-Tips from Jeanette Lee, stunningly realistic 3D pool environments, a plethora of computer opponents with bios and photos, and a new and improved graphics system. Add to that a new frontend and user interface along with professional licenses and equipment. Theres even a career mode allowing the gamer to gain experience and work their way up to championship level. But perhaps the most impressive feature will be the multi-player online support using the GameSpy Arcade.
Virtual Pool 3 is part of the best selling Virtual Pool series. Features a new Career mode plus improved graphics, physics, online play and more games than ever.
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