by Sony Computer Entertainment
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Sir Daniel Fortesque heroically died while defeating the evil sorcerer Zarok at the Battle of Gallowmere. At least, that's what people were told. In fact, poor Sir Dan cowardly fell at the first wave of arrows. One hundred years later, Zarok returns, turning day into night and resurrects an undead army to conquer the land. Sir Dan also returns from the crypt, but now has his chance to defeat Zarok and become the hero he never was in life. Resurrect the adventure across the mystical land of Gallowmere alone if you dare, or play head-to-head with Wi-Fi ad hoc mode. PICK UP AND PLAY eight mini-games with more than 70 challenges, including the innovative race mode, where you can compete simultaneously across your favorite levels. BATTLE MORE THAN 30 INDIVIDUAL ENEMIES using a combat system complete with an arsenal of more than 100 special moves and multiple combos.
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