by Koei
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A great showcase for the PlayStation2 platform, Dynasty Warriors 3 is both a terrific hole-up-for-the-weekend title and a good multiplayer party game. The developers must have been busy with many a user test and feedback survey form: most of the features people complained about in DW2 have been overhauled or tweaked. These improvements mixed with the addition of the two-player option make this a truly great PS2 title. If you liked the last version, you'll be enthralled with this combination of compelling story and complex martial arts action.
Parents--and anyone else interested in a game that's a little more socially redeeming than some of the current fare--take note: Dynasty Warriors 3 is loosely based on remarkable Chinese legends. The violence is well-done and subtle, and playing this game could actually cause your kid to pick up a book (something other than a strategy guide).
Here's what's different:
- New characters--and more characters--all with unique personality traits.
- Great new cinematics (they're better visually, and provide a more compelling story line).
- RPG-style weapons management and "found items."
- Two-player games, including cooperative musou and free mode, and combative single games.
- Fewer life buns, which means players must be more judicious within big battles (and you can no longer think of officers as food sources).
- Important updates are now spoken aloud instead of flashing by as screen text.
- More balance in the powers given to each character.
- Characters have been recalibrated so that individuals other than the big bruisers--including women characters--have their own advantages. (Zhang He may even be the first gay character in one of these games, based on his killer figure-skating attack.)
- Archers are now even more of a threat, and are reasonably indestructible.
- For many maps, you now have to be a general before even thinking of climbing on a horse.
- One word: elephants
Here's what stayed the same (some of which probably should have changed):
- Sparse maps that cause you to retrace your steps frequently.
- The stupid Limp Bizkit-meets-Yes soundtrack.
- The controls, which is only nice for those of us who built up calluses on the last version.
A great showcase for the PlayStation2 platform, Dynasty Warriors 3 is both a terrific hole-up-for-the-weekend title and a good multiplayer party game. The developers must have been busy with many a user test and feedback survey form: most of the features people complained about in DW2 have been overhauled or tweaked. These improvements mixed with the addition of the two-player option make this a truly great PS2 title. If you liked the last version, you'll be enthralled with this combination of compelling story and complex martial arts action.
Parents--and anyone else interested in a game that's a little more socially redeeming than some of the current fare--take note: Dynasty Warriors 3 is loosely based on remarkable Chinese legends. The violence is well-done and subtle, and playing this game could actually cause your kid to pick up a book (something other than a strategy guide).
Here's what's different:
- New characters--and more characters--all with unique personality traits.
- Great new cinematics (they're better visually, and provide a more compelling story line).
- RPG-style weapons management and "found items."
- Two-player games, including cooperative musou and free mode, and combative single games.
- Fewer life buns, which means players must be more judicious within big battles (and you can no longer think of officers as food sources).
- Important updates are now spoken aloud instead of flashing by as screen text.
- More balance in the powers given to each character.
- Characters have been recalibrated so that individuals other than the big bruisers--including women characters--have their own advantages. (Zhang He may even be the first gay character in one of these games, based on his killer figure-skating attack.)
- Archers are now even more of a threat, and are reasonably indestructible.
- For many maps, you now have to be a general before even thinking of climbing on a hors
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