by Sony Computer Entertainment
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Be the life of the party with these SingStar Wired Microphones! SingStar is the PlayStation 2 system's newest interactive singing franchise, featuring chart-topping songs and videos from the world's most popular artists. Each SingStar game is played with these two SingStar Microphones and the SingStar USB Converter to deliver a definitive singing experience. With microphones in hand, players can put on a rock concert in their own living room and own the stage. Simply insert the USB cable from the adapter into a USB connector on the PlayStation 2 or PlayStation 3 system and plug in the microphones to their corresponding color ports on that adapter and your ready to sing. When a compatible SingStar game has loaded, the blue LED on the USB converter will light up to indicate that the microphones and USB converter are plugged in and working correctly. So whether you have a SingStar title for the PS2 or PS3, these SingStar Wired Microphones have your singing needs covered.
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