by Viva Media
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The ultimate chess game Product Information For beginners Fritz will explain moves and positions or warn you of dangers and of errors you are committing. It has instructive training modules and amusing handicap levels. For club and tournament players Fritz has long become a trusted friend and indispensable advisor helping them to study theirgames and find new opening ideas for their next tournaments. A databasewith more than a million games provides the basis for state of-the-artanalysis. Even Garry Kasparov has used Fritz on a regular basis.How often have you attended personal grandmaster lectures or training sessions With its Chess Media System Fritz brings the world's greatestchess players into your home via DVD in full high resolution video and soundand a synchronized graphic chessboard. Listen to Garry Kasparov ViktorKochnoi Alexei Shirov or (former world champion) Rustom Kasimdzhanov while theyexplain important openings and ideas that lead to success. A host of famous chess teachers provide instruction in more mundane subjectslike opening traps middlegame strategy or endgame skills. Fritz makes iteasy for you to play against other human beings at any time day ornight. It provides you with a one-click connection to the largest chesscommunity in the world playchess (1 year access). You can play quickand informed games at any level take part in tournaments or attend livelectures and training sessions. New Features New engine developed for the Kramnik match and an extended and updated openings book. Extended and updated database. Dynamic hints: when entering a move you see arrows highlighting direct and indirect attacks and defenses of each square your mouse moves over. Improved pieces for the 2D board. Highest resolution for boards of any size. Improved move entry on the 2D board: highlighted start and target squares avoid mouse
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