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Become the Ultimate Babysitter!Product InformationYou finally passed your babysitting course and are ready to raise money foryour school. What you didn't expect were 20 of the craziest houses youcould ever imagine working in to achieve your goal. Babysitting Maniastarts off simple enough but don't be fooled - before long chaos kicks in witha barrage of kids lists of chores parties to manage all before bedtime! Can you get the kids to be and clean up the house before the parents comehome? Will the unruly kids take over in Babysitting Mania? Can youmaintain your composure until the parents come home?Product Features Babysit in 20 insane houses Over 100 zany levels A babysitting job like no other Intensely enjoyable for all agesWindows Requirements Windows 98 Me 2000 XP Vista Pentium II 400 MHz or equivalent processor 64 MB of RAM DirectX 8.0 or later Video Card with at least 16 MB VRAM CD-ROM driveMacintosh Requirements Mac OSX G3 400 MHz processor 128 MB of RAM CD-ROM drive
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