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The last Great War continues to rage on. All you have ever known is the madness of the frontlines and of men butchering each other. War-torn Europe stands ripped apart by a frontline that runs straight through the heart of Germany where American and Western European troops battle against enemy forces. In an eternal war that seems to have no end in sight, opposing forces mercilessly attack each other with unrelenting force, claiming small victories one day only to lose them the next.
As Lieutenant James Anderson you must infiltrate and destroy key enemy positions deep behind enemy lines using your sharpened combat skills, and stealth where necessary. If successful, your mission could finally put a stop to the carnage and restore what everybody has long since forgotten about: peace.
Between reality and fiction, Iron Storm takes place in an imaginary environment inspired by real events. Iron Storm takes real elements from the First World War (trenches, barbed-wire fences, mines, gas warfare, snipers) and combines them with more modern elements from the Second World War (automatic weapons, radar, tanks, flame throwers) as well as elements inspired by modern warfare (helicopters, lasers, and electronics).
The Last Great War Still RagesOn... Product InformationWestern Germany March 1964The last Great War continues to rage on. All you have ever known is the madnessof the front lines and of men butchering each other. War-torn Europe standsripped apart by a front line that runs straight through the heart of Germanywhere American and Western European troops battle against enemy forces. In aneternal war that seems to have no end in sight opposing forces mercilesslyattack each other with unrelenting force claiming small victories one day onlyto lose them the next.As Lieutenant James Anderson you must infiltrate and destroy key enemy positionsdeep behind enemy lines using your sharpened combat skills and stealth wherenecessary. If successful your mission could finally put a stop to thecarnage and restore what everybody has long since forgotten about: peace.Alternative history: between reality and fiction Iron Storm takes placein an imaginary environment which has been inspired by real events. Iron Stormtakes real elements from the First World War;trenches barbed wire fences mines gas warfare snipers…and combines themwith more modern elements from the Second World War;automatic weapons radar tanks flame throwers… as well as elements inspiredby modern warfare; helicopters lasers electronics and more.Levels Include:The Western front lineWhen you arrive in the trenches you will be informed of your mission and givena short training session in shooting skills. And then you're off… fired on bythe enemy but guided by allied soldiers you must head for the no man's landseparating the two sides.The Russo-Mongol front lineHaving infiltrated the enemy camp you must now go on alone through theirtrenches. Your C.O. Cecile Newcastle and Colonel Mitchell will use theinformation they receive in real time to guide you. Reassuring eh?WolfenburgNow deep in the heart of a Germa
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